Sustainable tourism in a changing climate: Strategies for management, adaptation, and resilience
Tourism, Climate Change, Sustainable Management, Adaptation Strategies, Mitigation, Policy, Technology, ResilienceAbstract
This review examines the complex relationship between tourism and climate change, focusing on global strategies for sustainable management and adaptation. By synthesizing recent literature, case studies, and policy analyses, the paper provides an in-depth exploration of the effects of climate change on tourism destinations and the methods employed to mitigate these impacts. Findings reveal that climate change is significantly altering tourism patterns, with rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise posing substantial challenges to popular destinations and local communities. Sustainable management practices, such as reducing carbon footprints, integrating sustainability into operations, and adopting renewable energy sources, are essential to addressing these impacts. Successful adaptation strategies include enhancing resilience through robust climate action plans, while mitigation efforts focus on reducing the sector's environmental footprint through innovative technologies and sustainable practices. Policy frameworks and technological innovations are shown to be critical in advancing sustainable tourism, with policies fostering collaborative efforts and technological advancements supporting efficient adaptation measures. This review concludes that a multifaceted approach encompassing sustainable management practices, adaptation strategies, and strong policy support is vital to addressing climate change in tourism. The study highlights the need for ongoing research and innovation to strengthen sustainability and resilience in response to evolving climate challenges.
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